Some of my regular followers of my various writings on the net probably wonder where I've been lately. To put it mildly, I basically took some down time. By the end of the Fall semester I was burnt out and overwhelmed. I have spent some time during the Winter Break to do some navel gazing and take stock of my life and my priorities.
Most journeys require letting go as well as moving forward.
Fattypatties was my first real online blog and I probably wouldn't have done it if Tish hadn't started it for me. What started as a couple of "Patricias" talking about their lives as fat women quickly evolved into my own personal blog (which I'm pretty sure Tish had in mind all the time as an evil scheme).
Over the years, I've written a lot and then written a little. I was even away long enough once in 2005-06 that I returned to a set of comments deciding that this bad-fatty had died. (That is when I started monitoring comments.)
Lately, I've only written here sparsely. One of the reasons my writing has slowed down is that I've not really had focus for a while. Another is that other issues and interests have sung to me more than the ones I've talked about here.
So one of the things I've decided to let of is this blog. This will be the final chapter (for now, anyway) of Fattypatties. I will still write about fatness over at Psychology Today, where I write I Take Up Space.
I will write about sociology at First Person Plural: Doing Sociology and I will write about living with disabilities at CWD: Couples with Disabilities at Psychology Today and at User Friendly Vegas.
As always, if you want to know what I, Carl or the both of us are up to, we try to keep all our projects up-to-date on our company website: SINdustry CITY.
So thank you for over 10 years of fun. I will see you in other places!