Posted by Pattie on 4/04/2007 11:00:00 AM

23 Days to Go

So I'm starting to freak out a bit.

I had a line on a job, but get this fat fans, the company booked the flight to the interview on Southwest Airlines. Knowing that the airlines probably would insist I buy a second seat and knowing that I didn't have the money for a second seat, I called the potential employer and told them that there could be a problem. They cancelled the flight rather than buy the second seat and now I'm in limbo. ARRRGGHHH!!!

I'm trying to get my taxes done. (An irony, I know, since I'm working 40-45 hours a week preparing other people's taxes.) Today I found out that I'm going to be forced to file an extension for reasons I can't publicly disclose. So adding to my work worries is tax worries.

Carl has been sick for over 3 weeks now. I'm deeply worried about him. He is not proned to long illnesses and we're heading into "something-more-than-a-cold" territory.

I have some positive things going on. I may start learning how to drum. I've joined a convenant group at a local Unitarian church and I'm actively searching for a literary agent. And a dear, sweet friend spent over an hour on Sunday listening to me cry and I have to tell you that was more needed than I knew until I did it.

I still cry every morning and I still feel more lonely than I've felt in years, but I haven't lost hope. I guess the words of the poet really describes what I'm going through right now the best:

I'd have a nervous breakdown,
I've been through
this too many
times to be