Posted by Tish on 3/22/2002 10:43:00 AM

I was thinking about some criticism I read about Blogsisters; they lacked focus. It seemed odd, for so many reasons. Individual people begin blogs every day with no specific intent. And why does everything need to be purposeful? I mean some things are just fun. It seems like too much corporate obedience training. So, I think you and I should ignore all that.
Jeneane Sessum, the woman who started Blogsisters, did a blog (using the same template we did) about reading a book. Granted it was a marketing book, but I don't think that's the only reason a blog for it worked. It might be great to do book group blogs. ( She says, knowing that she can not...I repeat...can not ...put any more time into playing on line.)
I do want to acknowledge you for writing our eloquent blog description. And I want to note that we met in the gab cafe, hosted by the flabulous Marilyn and Cynsa. We both read Marilyn's powerful and fun manifesto, Fat!So?
My mother does not remember that I was a fat kid. Recently, I found a stack of notes from my pediatrician in some stuff that mom sent me. On every single one the doc writes: watch diet. Today's pediatricians are being sold diet products, despite the fact that we know earlier dieting sets people's metabolism in ways that makes it harder and harder to find a stable weight. Some kids are just gonna be fat. And I agree that kids spend too much time in front of the computer, or television and eat crap food. But the thin kids aren't targeted.