Over the past nine weeks I've had hives almost every day. It started out just a little bit every other day. In the past week, I'm taking huge amounts of benadryl. I'm bathing in creams and taking cold showers and basically going out of my freaking mind.
The past three days, a new wrinkle. PAIN and HEAT. I'm on fire. Bright red, blotching skin that moves around from place to place like some creature crawling over me, stinging me and starting campfires as it moves around.
I've been having hot flashes and night sweats as well, so it occured to me that these all might be related. So I googled "hives" and "menopause" and 535,000 websites showed up with wonderful horror stories of women suffering for months at a time and doctors remaining clueless as usual.
Do you remember those damn "your changing body" films that we had to see in 6th grade sex education? I think there should be one of those films for menopausal women and it should let us in on all the really stupid things that can happen and it should be mandatory that every woman get a copy for free for her 50th birthday. I turn 52 in 24 days and I have to tell you my body and I became total strangers withing weeks of my 50th birthday and it just keeps surprising me with more and more fun.
I wish I had some happy ending to this post, but I'm in hell and not in the mood to draw a life lesson. I just want RELIEF!!!
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2 weeks ago
I didn't get hives but instead the rosacea fairy visited me, along with the hypothyroid fairy. It's been 4 years and we're still trying to get the right dose of thyroid and even with the switch to natural vs. synthetic thyroid the pimples and redness is lessened but not gone.
I would have sworn it was the Synthroid, as rosacea is listed as a side effect of the drug. Maybe your hives are the result of the thyroid med *you're* taking? See if your doc will switch you to Armour Thyroid or Naturthroid (sp?) and see if that helps clear the rash.
I will have blood tests at end of month to find out re: thyroid. BTW, you can get hives from too much or too little thyroid. Fun, eh? I suspect menopause because it is accompanying hot flashes and night sweats and because my other thyroid symptoms seem to be under control. But the truth is I can't really be sure about anything my body is doing right now which is the really frustrating thing.
Hi Pattie! I feel your pain. I am 42, had a hysterectomy two years ago and have had hives for over a year now. I've been tested for allergies twice, patched tested by the dermatologist, went on a bland diet, special shampoo's, conditioner and soap, all cotton clothes and no improvement, took three courses of steroids just to give me a break from the itching before I totally lost my mind, took 2 zyrtec, one Singulair and benydryl every day with no relief! I finally stopped taking my synthetic estrogen and the hives cleared up in 5 days. Now, 2 months with no HRT, the hives are back! I am about to loose my mind! I wonder if it is Estrogen Dominance, even though my Doctor does not buy into that theory. I am getting ready to give Bioidenticals a try and see if that offers any relief. If I find relief, I will let you know!
I go to doctor on Friday. It will be interesting to see what he thinks will work.
Hi, I recently experienced this mysterious hives outbreak. Had itching here and there and noticed it was more pronounced when my body was overheated, but never considered it being a hormonal imbalance issue until now. Being almost 48, I do believe it's menopause-related. Even now, I'm itching and my skin is red/inflamed on my back and chest. Ugh! I'm beginning to look into bio-identical hormone therapy so I can offer this info to my doctor when I go in to see her next week for my hives problem. I've ordered a used copy of Hormone Hell to Hormone Well and am waiting for it to arrive soon. I sure hope more research is done on the hives-menopause connection. Doctors need to be better informed in this area. Thanks for blogging this. Best wishes.
In the hives department (I'm 47), I wonder if you or anyone else in the peri or meno phase of pausing (so to speak) finds that the hives come on more often in the evening hours? I most certainly do! I recently heard about a post-partum mama breaking out in hives. Her theory is that the drop in progesterone following delivery might be the cause. If so, it would make sense that the menopausal shifts in hormones are causative.
Hi Patty,
I wanted to post a a link to an article about female hormones and allergies.
I really do wish you well my dear. Perimenopause/Menopause and hives are such a cruel problem for us.
I mistakenly ate Hillshire Farms Sausages this month, the Beer Brats, and they have MSG. I had a giant out break of hives every time I ate them, so I can add them to my list of new allergies in perimenopause.
I'm eating very simple foods and the hives have gone down today for the first time in weeks. By simple, I've avoiding all the foods I've discovered cause me hives in the last year, tomatoes, oranges, pistachios, cashews, strawberries, and other food that are often cites as causing allergies in others, I'm going to avoid those too. Dairy products and soy are in this group. I'll do anything for relief from these hives.
Dear Patty,
I have recently (about a month and a half now) gotten hives and have been living on benadryl and about 10-12 other treatments methods that doctors, pharmacists, friends & anyone else who will listen, have given me ideas to try. The fact is nothing works for more than a few hours and the outbreaks and itching continues. I saw you blogpost in my research and it sounded dead on to what I am going through. Since I see your post was 2 years ago, I am writing to see if you ever discovered relief and if not are you still suffering?
I do not get them often. I found that taking Black Cohosh on a regular basis seemed to have helped with all my menopausal symptoms including the hives. I'm pretty certain that it is helping because if I miss taking a dose for a day or two the hives and hot flashes return.
This is what I take every night at bedtime:
Hope that helps.
Dear Pattie,
I hope you are still doing well. This disorder I share with you is called autoimmune progesterone hystamine response. I'm going in for an oopharectomy (removal of the ovaries) as soon as I can get a referral from my doctor who is on vacation. If she won't do this, I will find someone who will.
I'm going to be 48 in November and I've been dealing with the hives for 2 years. It's called Autoimmune Progesterone Hystamine Dermatitis. It's underdiagnosed.
I've been on prednisone for a year and I'm not better at all and there is no evidence this problem resolved after menopause. That's because our ovaries sputter for years and years after menses cease.
I'm not going to be on Prednisone any longer as it's toxic. An oopharectomy is a known cure. Remove the source and the hives stop.
This disorder can be triggered at any time during a woman's fertility, from adolescence to whenever the hormones 100% stop. It's becoming quite common during perimenopause. It's underdiagnosed and mistreated. I had to self diagnose and self advocate.
At the same time the hives showed up 2 years ago, I developed a vitimin d deficiency and hypothyroidism. I switched providers 6 months ago and am finally being treated properly for those problems. It's been horrid to not have the support of the medical community. I've had to do my own homework and be my own advocate for everything every step of the way.
Best wishes to you all my sisters.
I too was "diaganosed" with Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis and had my ovaries and uterus removed (retained my cervix.) The hives only got worse after that. My doctor, who is described by other docs in my town as "alternative to the alternative" told me that when my hormones started declining in my late 30's I became autoimmune. As my own estrogen stopped being produced, the autoimmunity got worse and worse. At age 48 my GYN put me on synthetic estrogen, which made the hives CHRONIC, which they have been now for 10 years. (I actually started having hives that were controllable with one Claritin back when I was 39.) In 2011 I found my current doctor, who started me on Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, and this is the only treatment that has worked. I apply the hormone cream 4x per day, and also use testosterone daily and progesterone for the last half of my "cycle." Without this treatment, I would be covered in hives from head to toe. This is the only thing that's worked for me, and I strongly suggest that if this is happening to you, you should find a doctor who prescribes BHRT. Good luck! PS My doctor told me (& I found this in the medical literature as well: there are only 50 documented cases of Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis in the world!)
Amen to that!! I need a copy of that book!!!
Thank you Patty for your post. I have shared it on my facebook timeline. Finally, a statement by another woman who shared my exact same experience as I rest in bed after taking yet another Aveeno bath to relieve the intense itching all over my body. I will be 52 in a week and have suffered with this rash gor 2 months now. Wheezing, vertigo and chronic inflamation are my fabulous accompanying symptoms as well. Have seen 4 doctors...2 rounds of prednisone which just masks it. My Enocrinologist said to start on 1 mg. Of Estradiol and since taking that the rashhas spread...how special is that? I am so ready to have my other ovary removed...other one was removed because of a benign tumor. I just wish someone out thete could us us poor women in menopause a solution to these horrible hives and itching. Thank you for your post!
Thank you Patty for your post. I have shared it on my facebook timeline. Finally, a statement by another woman who shared my exact same experience as I rest in bed after
taking yet another Aveeno bath to relieve the intense itching all over my body. I will be 52 in a week and have suffered with this rash for 2 months now. Wheezing, vertigo and chronic inflamation are my fabulous accompanying symptoms as well. Have seen 4 doctors...2 rounds of prednisone which just masks it. My Enocrinologist said to start on 1 mg. Of Estradiol and since taking that the rash has spread...how special is that? I am so ready to have my other ovary removed...other one was removed because of a benign tumor. I just wish someone out there could find us menopausal women a solution to these horrible hives and itching. Thank you for your post!
I was hoping when I found this blog that someone would gave the answer 😞 sadly not, but at least I'm not going mad.... Thank you fellow sufferers x we all scratch together 💕👹 good luck
I experienced this as well. Hives that recur in the same area over and over. They begin with just a spot and by morning its covering a signifigant area. It burns, stings, feels like needles, is hot to the touch and Benadryl cream/pills don't work. Colloidal oatmeal doesn't work. Hydrocortisone doesn't work. Prednisolone has minimal effect after 10 days.
What did work?
Clobetasol Cream.
I grew up with eczema and happened to have Clobetasol on hand for this last bout. I used it twice a day and followed with Gold Bond Eczema Therapy (2% Colliodal Oatmeal) Cream, for moisture. PLEASE NOTE- YOU CAN'T USE HYDROCORTISONE WITH CLOBETASOL (which is a prescripion medication).
See a derm doc. Ask for it. Beg if you have to. Cause.......damn! This rash is nasty.
Hi ladies. I was pushed into surgical menopause 5 years ago at age 42, after having a Hysterectomy & Oopherectomy. Immediately I began having hives, hot flashes, night sweats etc. The hives, burning, & swelling became so intense that I would scratch until I would bleed & bruise. I was hospitalized a few times for "infectious diseases" that the doctors could never seem to diagnose. I went thru many rounds of steroids & even radiation therapy trying to rid my body of the intense itching. I went thru numerous blood tests and saw 5 different doctors trying to figure it out. After an entire year of this hell, I found a wonderful doctor in Arizona who believed it was all hormonal. She started me on Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy & within 2 months my hives were under control. Honestly, my body let's me know when it's time to get my dose of hormones as I will start to have hot flashes & I will begin to itch all over. If I don't get my hormones soon enough then I will start breaking out in hives. Anyone who has issues with hives and can't seem to figure out the cause, please seek help from a professional Gyn that knows about bio identical hormones and can prescribe them or insert pellets for you. Hope this helps & God Bless!
hi all, I too am living in menopause hell. Another lovely symptom that JUST occurred is what I think is hives. Now I just had my thyroid tested and the Dr put me on a low dose 25 mg of meds. I have had no side effects from these and its been a month. Could it be stress? And a combo of that and menopause? God I am miserable!!!
I have had chronic hives for 3 years. I Realized a year into it and 50 doctor visits/tests later that it totally horror-monal! Because hives are usually allergy related I thought I would try acupuncture and guess what, 2 weeks of 3 times a week I got relief! Sometimes I feel like they are threating me with a mild itch here and there but after itching for 2 years I am guessing its almost a reflex now. I have missed my 1 time a month appointment the past two months and guess what, they are back with a vengeance, attacked my entire face yesterday within an hour! I will be going to acupuncture and let you know if it goes away again. I am 49 and assumed peri menopausal due to irregularities so I can only guess again, hives= weird hormone levels. If you have not tried acupuncture you should, I also have hives "herbs" I drink as tea when desperate and it calms them. I just prefer the acupuncture, the tea is pretty bitter. Hope this helps someone. Hives are a miserable existence!!
I was very interested to read your comments. I have been taking prempro for a year, and a doctor treating me for Lyme disease recently started me on bioidentical hormones. I started them last night, and I woke up this morning with hives and itching. I no it must be related to the hormones because that is the only new medication I am taking. I am on doxycycline, but I have taken that in the past without any problem. What I have read today is that there is a connection between estrogen levels and histamine released. My guess is that the estrogen level cannot be too high or unopposed by progesterone, otherwise it can cause itching and hives. What are your thoughts on that?
I should add to my previous comment that I also developed severe hives after eating sausages this past summer. That time and this morning are the only two times I have ever had an allergic reaction like that. I have read that one can develop an allergy to red meat after Lyme disease. That might be something that you guys may want to follow up on with your doctors.
Yes mine are worse on evening
I am 54 and in my second bout with this painfully itchy burning rash that covers my body .
I need help 😥
I know this is old but I too I'm going crazy I had a total hysterectomy 6 yrs ago now went right into surgical meno and for 5 months I have had hives with some rashes , dr just put me on singular but I don't know if I'm wasting my time , I have to go for regular labs also and he's going to check my vit d and b 12 , and some other stuff, I don't know what I am going to ask the lab cause it's a bunch of numbers , anyway I feel like I'm going crazy also , is it the menopause ? I have other health issues also but I honesty think its from the meno , if I get one bit over heated or hot flash wham the itching starts all over my back arms and legs , sometimes it feels like stinging like prickly heat feeling , then the spots start , if I stay cool and not to active I'm fine , I can't even go shopping with out moving slow , if I get in a hurry hot flashes start and wham there I go again . I feel like I have no life as all I can do is sit and even then if I get too hot it starts , I'm beyond fed up and want my life back meno is bad enough and so are my other issues . The dermatologist wanted to put me on zantac but I didn't want to take that , so I went to my regular dr and he said singular cause I told him zyrtec didnt agree with me and a few other antihistamines I was using make me so drugged and I'm tired enough as it is . I already take generic nexium for my reflux and some other med for my other stomach condition . Also I have psoriasis and some other issues so you see I suffer enough , the hives are worse than my psoriasis, at least I know what to do with that , this I have no clue if something is wrong , so I am chalking it up to meno , my diet is limted as it is cause I have ibs and all . So the Dr tells me nothing is wrong just my body dosent like something ha , no kidding . Just needed to vent I just want the hives to stop . I will come back and update . Thanks for all your help , I don't feel like I am the only one out here . I hope someone had gotten relief and pray I do also . I want to solve the problem and not mask it with more pills !
After dealing with these things constantly now for the last couple years, I just thought like most allergies or stress, I lost both my parents in the last 3years. Then after having a romantic night with hubby it dawned on me, every time I got hot those itchy things show up, again, I told my husband thanks babe I'm allergic to you. Lol
I had my hysterectomy in 2005 at age age 32, I had sever endometreoses, I was done having kids so I figured what the heck, I also seen someone had said something about it being an auto immune issue, Well I was diagnosed with ANA an auto immune disorder during my 12th pregnancy after A Dr I'd never seen before asked to do a blood test to see if maybe he could stop me from losing my babies, 1hour later he told me I had ANA and to take a baby aspirin a day while pregnant, I went on to have a normal pregnancy finally not more miscarriage, I'm wondering if maybe the immune disorder and this one are connected some how., I see my Dr on weds I'm going to tell her what I've read on here hopefully I can get them to go away too. PATTY since this was such an old topic Maybe we can see an update on all the people that shared. Thanks for the info
The entire information is really good and some good insights available. Looking forward to do more clicks.
Estrogen Therapy Toluca Lake CA
Hi, I am 60 years old and been in menopause 10 years. I've been getting " the hives and rash" every month now for the last 4 -5 months. I finally had an enlightening moment and realized this may be hormone related. I also have had hyperthyroidism for over 34 years. I have a feeling my thyroid is really out of whack AGAIN also. My question is; WHAT kind of Dr should I go see? I cancelled my skin DR appointment because I'm pretty sure it's not from food, soaps, etc. Should I just go see my regular MD? Or an Endocrinologist? Maybe my Gynecologist? Or should I say the heck with these DR's and see a Naturapath? Ugh I hate DR.bills, but this rash is embarrassing. I look and feel like a teenager with zits all over my face.
Oatmeal facials and hydrocortisone cream seem to work but more hives just keep popping up every morning. It just seems to cyclical this rash. Very weird. Thnaks for any advice I can get. Glad I found this forum.
Update: Found out I have hypothyroidism and I been researching and found the hives can be from it, I am better but still have them , but on meds for the thyroid . Hoping i can get back to the dr soon i think i need to go on a higher dosage .. So get your thyroid checked foe yrs i was told it was fine but now i wonder.
I recently end natural treatment from herbalist healer which i used to got rid of my hives i only applied the treatment for one week. it so amazing i eliminated this disease out from my body. i also recommend everyone suffering from this horrible disease should also be cure you can reach Dr Onokun via email; dronokunherbalcure@gmail.com
I did the pellets for a year. This caused severe endometriosis. Which resulted in complete hysterectomy. I'm reluctant to be on them again. My itching is driving me insane. I am currently on steroid and prescription antihistamines. As well as benadryl. From what I have been reading, it is not going to stop. Men have it easy.
I’m 60 yrs old. I started having hives 3 months ago. I am hypo thyroid and had a hysterectomy 4 yrs ago. ( I kept my ovaries). My hives are driving me crazy. Any advice would be appreciated. Allergy pills and lotions don’t work.
It may actually be peaks in progesterone. Google progesterone dermatitis. There is quite a bit about this.
Hello all. My name is JacKita and I to am a Victim of this terrible problem that we are having. I break out in hives every night followed By burning itchy skin. My whole body feels like someone has poured Rubbing alcohol all over me and Lit a match to my body I was hoping someone could give me some answers to my problems. This is driving me crazy I would wish this on my worse enemy. I would rather deal with hot flashes then to deal with these hives. I pray for each and every women that is having these problems. I pray that we all get the help that we are looking for to rid this situation.
My hives come in the evenings as well.
My menopausal hives are triggered by night sweats, typically where my body makes contact with the bed - along the side of my body and sometimes on tummy and/or back. The latest event included my armpit, which is a FIRST. A YEAR later and I still have the hives inside armpit, since always warm, I guess. Previous episodes resolved in 3 to 6 months. I have tried almost everything! Topical burn gel with LIDOCAINE is the only thing that has given me relief. I keep a bottle next to my bed as well one in bathroom n livingroom. See my doctor this Wednesday. Hoping I can get a steroid injection or something, anything.
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