Posted by Pattie on 2/21/2003 12:52:00 PM


I've been going to a physiotherapist to help with pain management and to exercise well this time (usually hurt my joints in some fashion that works against my keeping up with the regimen). I had a great talk with this guy today and he is interested in the health at every size concept.

He isn't quite there yet. He talked about watching calories and had some "diet tips" about eating in moderation. But he is more fat friendly/fat neutral than anyone I've ever worked with and it felt good to have someone say to me "You've come this far, Pattie. Don't start worrying about weight now. I know lots of fat people who are fit and lots of thin people who are not. It isn't what you look like, it is the health of your body that counts."

Yep, it felt good.